• Cup of Creamy Cauliflower Soup
    What I Made

    Creamy Roasted Cauliflower Soup

    Frequently, cooking in my kitchen is a lot like the television show “Chopped”–I see what is in the fridge or in the pantry and just go from there. I can’t say that what I make is any good (I usually like it; the rest of my family is upset that I did not follow a specific recipe. Happily, though, no one in my house is withering away to nothing.) Something unusual, though, happened recently–I found a recipe and actually had all of the ingredients on hand! I receive produce every few weeks from “Imperfect Produce” (I will write about that at a future time) and had received some of the…

  • Cup of onion soup with oyster crackers
    What I Made

    Onion Soup, Take 1

    Secondary title: HE LIKED IT! I admit that I am not the best cook.  Fortunately for me, I am not terribly picky.  A little more unfortunate, though, is the fact that my family members are not huge fans of what I create.  (If they don’t cook something, they are going to be stuck with whatever I make.) I do try to get creative with ingredients I have in the house, and, as a vegetarian, most of what I use is not very expensive (thus, I don’t worry as much about wasting money if my creation is not eaten by anyone but myself), and by not using meat/chicken/fish, the chance of…